17 July 2012

inspo - pictures from the internet

summer project plan - keep it simple but not real at all. 
manipulated only by camera, because it's not a big deal to take sh*** picture and make it 'pretty' in the PS. work on every single shot - pretend that digit camera is not digat any more. 
- auto setting? what is that? 
using natural skills of drawing and painting.
to create something new you need to destroy first.

 sketches of body parts. being natural, simple and naked.   

lászló moholy-nagy as my infueance to minimal-complicated cutouts and collages.

movement as a natural human posture. 

Christian Louboutin at Design Museum

Christian Louboutin - iconic French shoe designer. He is total freak about the shoes.
exhibition celebrates Louboutin’s career showcasing twenty years of designs and inspiration,
revealing the artistry and theatricality of his shoe design from stilettos to lace-up boots,
studded sneakers and bejewelled pumps.
In there you're taken on a magical journey of style, glamour, power, femininity, elegance and fetish.
Though Fetish room, to the most creative and weird designs, only one collection with other desginer name (YSL), history of the Artist (did you know that for couple of year Louboutin gave up shoe design for garden design in NY) and a holograms of Dita Von Teese dancing in shoes designed especially for her.

'Most people see shoes as accessory to walk,
however some shoes are made for running
- and some shoes are made for sex.

That the part from Fetish room and exhibition made in collaboration between Louboutin and Lynch.
Shoes made only to perform in the bed, on the floor, wherever but only for one thing.
Louboutin's sexy red soles to be art forms in their own right,
but he has taken this fetishistic view of footwear to a new extreme with this series that's more sculptural than wearable.

20 April 2012

Pinhole Camera Workshop

Negatives and positives.

pinhole camera is a simple camera without a lens and with a single small apeture – effectively a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through this single point and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box. The human eye in bright light acts similarly, as do cameras using small apertures.

25 March 2012

Critical Appraisal: Commision

Rubbish, trash, refuse, garbage, junk and litter, those are only the word but according to our environment they are the worst words ever.

Surrounding us world getting polluted so quickly, as people don’t care at all where and what they throwing away.

My biggest influence for Commission project was Pieter Hugo series ‘Premanent Error’.
He photographed people and landscapes of an expansive dump of obsolete technology in Ghana. Thing which attracted my attention was hands of those people.
They are working hard, burning heavy duty objects, which are harming their health; and they are not using any protection.
Because of that  I focused on hands. As they are exposed to damage, and obviously people are using them to grab the objects and burn them up.

In my project I decided to take photographs of the hands of Medway cleaners. Nowadays they're using protection for their hands, but still I think is not enough and through their hands we still can see that they work so hard to tidy up what we messed up.

I looked at photographs by photographers such as: Pieter Hugo (above), Jonas Bendiksen, Tomasz Gudzowaty, Zwelethu Mthethwa. Their photographed slum areas around the word shows how hard people work for very little money; they are not able to think about any protection for themselves.

Back to the 19th Century to the realistic paintings of the gleaners; such as Jean-Francois Millets painting 'The Gleaners’ or Peter Henry Emersons 'In the Barley Harvest'.
People appearing in those paintings have naked hands during quite ‘dirty’ and hard work. Unfortunately we can’t see their hands in detail but if so, they suppose to be dirty, tired and damaged.

For my final images I took photographs of Medway cleaners hands and tools.
Firstly  I want to show that this job in not a shame and the cleaners taking a really big part in environment. It is not a easy job, as they need quite a lot to clean. Unfortunately people in Britain loooks like they are not used to of recycle or even to put their rubbish to the bins.   
Because nobody is paying attention to the rubbish and the cleaners I took pictures of the tools which they are using. They are supporting BW images, where I highlighted the objects to make a connection and to force people to start lookining at the cleaners with a bit more respect.

And secondly I wanted to recall about the slums areas around the world, where people works so hard to clean up our mess, to recycle plastic which is mixed with metal, because nobody else care. Those people are working like little ants, trying to survive and to save our planet.

22 March 2012

Esther Teichmann

I used this photograh as my visual reference to depth of field.
Central point in in the middle of the hand where you can see the strongest hands lines and wrinkles.
As I focused how cleaners hands look like I put my focus in the middle of their hands.

20 March 2012

Sophie Gerrard E-Wasteland

Sophie Gerrard is my another visual reference about naked working hands.
Damaged by time and e-waste with harms not only skin but actually people health;
or by burning, when smog is really strong, or by polluted water...

29 February 2012

Film Review.

Fasten (The Celebration).

Is a drama with an undercurrent of dark humor. Film touches on issues like child and spousal abuse, racism and revange. With time it shows how difficult can be to differentiate between love and hate.
One of the key elements of The Celebration is the style in which it is presented, called Dogme95 - movement of young Danish filmmakers who preferred simple production values and naturalistic performances.
Filmed using a hand-held camera with natural lighting, to make the viewer feel as a part of the movie action.

The occasion for the celebration is the 60th birthday of the patriarch, Helge, at the family-run hotel; attended  by family and friends.
One of the first scenes of the movie impress with its natural approach, when guests arriving for the celebration.
Scene look even too realistic, which makes viewer feel like he/she know that people.  
Everybody are smiling, laughing and welcom each other, as well as rushing around to get their room and just start celebration.
It’s like a situation from everyday life.

Birthday speech by elder son Christian, which makes uncomfortable silence.
Firstly guest around the table seems to be quite excited. But when speech gathers speed, situation in the room becoming really awkward.
Speech is to father, so mother stays in defense, putting her son in bad light. As some saying says: she is turning things upside down.  
This scene was captured and viewer can feel as a part of it with the intimacy of angles and easy frame cuts which works extremely well.

It is the first Dogme movie, which shows the best of the movement – realism. By use of natural lighting, no superficial actions or change of time and place. Without dramtic music or use of heavy production machinery.
It is simply approached, with minimalism, which make movie focused and basic.

22 February 2012


Jules Bretons 'Calling in the Gleaners'

Jean-Francois Millet 'The Gleaners'

Peter Henry Emerson 'In the Barley Harvest'

Henry Peach Robinson 'Figures in Landscape'

In those paintings I focused on the people hands. How painters represented them. 
Because of the fact that in the past people were not using protection for their hands.

Even on August Sander photograph of bricklayer; young man doesn't have and and protection. But because of that the picture is posed his hands, and not that important and they appears almost untouched by hard work.

Zwelethu Mthethwa

In my project I'm going to focus on the hands of Medway cleaning people. Nowadays they're using protection for their hands, but still I think is not enough and through their hands we can see that so hard work to tidy up what we messed up.

Also I looked at photographs from slum areas around the word and just cropped hand from there. To so how much they are damaged. 
People in the slums don't have any kind of protection. Starting from they living space, which is not stable at all and going to their body and skin.
All day, everyday they're working so hard, to go 'home' where everything is more than dirty.