26 September 2011

Peppers by Edward Weston

found something very interesting is Edward Westons photographs of peppers. They are quite sexual but in the same time really soft and so normal because it's just a vegetable..,
I love the way how light and shape of the object are working together. Basically shape doing its work and I guess pepper from the picture 'Pepper No.30' is not just a random vegetable bought in the market place. 
For me series of peppers are connected with women, sex and a bit with feminism. I don't know at all and I'd never get this knowledge what exactly he wanted to say by this photographs. 

"It is classic, completely satisfying – a pepper – but more than a pepper: abstract, in that it is completely outside subject matter." 

When I look at them, they looks perfect, even unreal. But as he said "a pepper - but more than a pepper" brings something that makes you think and ask questions. Is that pepper real? When did he find it? How he took that picture? What it means?
There is some context hidden there, which attract this still-life images more. You want to study and study them to find something more. 
Literally every single description of art work is partly constructed by the artist and party by the viewer. So I can say that this peppers are sexual for me, but somebody else can say they are just a boring vegetables which nobody likes. And even Weston could say something totally different.

During my research in the Internet I've found some page called Soulcatchers Studio, where was a sentense like:

'"These are contact prints, made directly from Edward's original 8x10" negatives, 
and printed to his exact specifications by the one person that could do the job right(...)"

Basically prints which are in this studio are made by Edward Westons son Cole. Who spent many years under his direct supervision in his darkroom. He was only one person who could use his negatives after his death.

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