5 October 2011

Cabinet of Curiosities

A cabinet of curiosities was an encyclopedic collection in Renaissance Europe of types of objects whose categorical boundaries were yet to be defined.
They were also known by various names such as Cabinet of Wonder, and in German Kunstkammer or Wunderkammer ("wonder-room").
Modern terminology would categorize the objects included as belonging to natural history (sometimes faked), geology, ethnography, archaeology, religious or historical relics, works of art (including cabinet paintings) and antiquities. "The Kunstkammer was regarded as a microcosm or theater of the world, and a memory theater.

According  to cabinet of curiosities, I think that people who owned cabinets were quite freak about all this stuff which they collected. For me it sound really fun, but I think I won’t get that nuts - is fine to collect small (or big) objects, but there are some limits…

For example porcelain figures, which lots of people collects. I don’t know what is inside their head but for me (if there is more than one of this kind of figures) looks sick and I find it quite disgusting.

Basically I have my box which I call ‘my wonder box’, but object in there are so random. They don’t have any specific categories and they don’t fit to each-other at all.
But they are thing which I’m going to have for rest of my life; hidden somewhere under my bed or in the loft.

They don't any material value. But they have very strong personal meaning such a good times memories.
I think this box should be named as a ‘lost and found’ because there are only items which I found. Every single item have its own story, date and some memorial meaning.  So always when I open the box I have smile on my face and my minds going somewhere to the date and place where I’ve found the ‘thing’.

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