25 October 2011

Deconstructing Environmental Photographers

A series of photographs about the meeting of public and private life in New York.
A populace flows
Through the city.
This is a language, therefore, of New York
- George Oppen,
"Of Being Numerous"

Issues of surveillance, and the blurred line between private and public space were central to the formation of the city
In the early 70's—when I first photographed New York—the street and public spaces were fair game for a photographer, 
and people not only tolerated but enjoyed having their picture taken. But in the 90s, 
I found myself questioning how a photographer functions in public space: what is acceptable and what is not, 
because people were, by then, sensitive to the intrusiveness of cameras (of all kinds) in our culture.
New York is a chaotic and layered universe. Everyone sustains his own solar system of family, friends, 
and associates within this complex universe—sanctuaries amid the chaos. 
The city reconstructs the intimate core and the anonymous skin of New York. 
At the heart of this work is the meeting of two disparate worlds: 
what it means to separate them and what it means to put them together.
At its heart, as well, is my enduring interest in banality, 
and finding ways to draw from it whatever wit and irony I can.
 I'm especially intrigued by the meaning of myth and how everyday life can adopt a quality of myth when photographed. 
In this manner, 
myth can become a language of its own, 
and the mythic can illuminate that which is poignantly and simply human in a picture.
The myth of New York cannot be separated from the reality of it.
These photographs are of a New York as imagined as it is real. —Mitch Epstein

I have chosen three images created by Mitch Epstein. Those photographs are from a series called 'The City' which  he did between 1995 and 1999.

A series of photographs about the meeting of public and private life in New York.

New York is a chaotic and layered universe. Everyone sustains his own solar system of family, friends, and associates within this complex universe—sanctuaries amid the chaos. The cityreconstructs the intimate core and the anonymous skin of New York. At the heart of this work is the meeting of two disparate worlds: what it means to separate them and what it means to put them together.

I've chosen this photographs because I see lots of similarities between them.

Photographs of New York of the concert jungle where every single second is something happening. 
There are pictures of details which are elements of the city life. CCTV cameras going through the corner of the image. Located in two different ways to see what is in the front and behind.  Big city in the background, foggy, still asleep. Shows early morning when everything feels so innocent, but because of CCTV cameras we know that everything is under control. 

Next picture with some drawing on the window have so many details.  There is focus on the drawing, but we can see everything what is happening in the back. All composition is considered in details. 
Window drawing show two different situations. One is running legs, which we can link-up with person in the background - always in the move.  Second is a face, exactly lips. They are red, when we look at the more carefully we can see 'Empire' which is a sign of American lifestyle. 

Third photograph. Taken early morning, during sunrise. It's already quite bright and city just waking up to start a new day, but still is too dark for trains to switch off the light. 
Train (in the hole) is another sign of big city, such a New York. Is about everyday travel through the city, everyday run for better tomorrow.

This photographs include details, hidden in the corners, strong enough to remind us that this is the big city such as New York.

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