28 September 2011


Large Format Camera

When Johnathan started to talk about large format camera I was just terrified. I’m using my 35mm camera all the time, so obviously I know what film camera mean and how to use it. But this one… So big with lots of new things…
In the beginning I found it so strange, but later on – I can say that I adore it. There is plenty of important information and buttons which you need to remember and know hwo to use it. What you have to press now, what you need to lock after, how to change slides…  It takes a lot of time, but is so amazing and final thing – developed negatives, so amazing.
Just few minutes after I’ve back from uni I scanned negatives and edited them to positive. I’m not a master with editing so they are not so good, but at least you can see something.  Anyway my scanner is quite old, dirty and doesn’t have good quality…

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