25 October 2011

Camera Obscura at home

For my Landscape project I'm going to produce camera obscura. Already I've chosen places where I would like to produce my pictures.
My concept is to produce body of images showing my new surrounding. Basically place where I live, place where I spend most of my time and landscape which I have to get use of it. For me Medway is a lifeless town, where nothing interesting happens, just routine. I don't like it at all, but I would like to change it; bring SOMETHING which going to kill this boredom.
Also learn about something new. Show how exactly we see our surrounding.
From the beginning:
Via Camera Obscura we can see how we suppose to see world. This tiny hole in the wall is working exactly the same as our eye. But the thing is we would never see this way, because our brain is working and seen objects are transformed to see them properly.

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