19 February 2012

The Places We Live by Jonas Bendiksen

The Places We Live is a multimedia installation depicting 20 homes in four different slum areas in Nairobi, Mumbai, Caracas and Jakarta. 
But is not about extreme poverty, dirty spots or crime-ridden street corner. Bendiksen was looking for how people normalize these dire situations, how they build dignity and daily lives in the midst of very challenging living conditions.
In the project, he aske someone for each family to tell him about life around slum.

“We think of these areas as the dark side of town where one shouldn’t go. 
But normal families live there – they pay rent, 
send their kids to school and try to make the best of it.”

Installation challenges viewers to reflect on what it means to live in a city in the 21st century... Project brings the reality of these individuals into sharp focus.

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